“Police have reported that the storage facility is now clear of the clown mask wearing gang and although some are not accounted for, they are confindent storage users can return to the facility at their own risk, adventure and peril…”

Come experience the thrill of our Horror Maze at Hills Self Storage Colchester! Prepare to be spooked as you navigate twists and turns in the dark. This in-person event is not for the faint of heart! Gather your friends and test your bravery as you encounter terrifying surprises around every corner. Don’t miss out on this unforgettable experience! Read the backstory below if you dare! – All Proceeds in Aid of FaNs Network.

Incident Report – Clown Sighting November 2024 #965 | Date: 02/11/2024 | Location: Hills Self Storage Colchester

Incident Description:
On 02/11/2024 at aproximatly 14:56, a group of individuals wearing clown masks, forcefully gained access to the Hills Group Self Storage Faciluty in Colchester, Essex. The gang, estimated to be composed of approximately 19 members, displayed aggressive behavior and brandished various weapons.

The gang took control of the storage facility, restraining the employees and customers present at the time. Witnesses reported that the gang exhibited a highly coordinated and organized approach, suggesting prior planning and familiarity with the facility’s layout.

During the takeover, they systematically searched and ransacked multiple units, leaving behind a trail of destruction and chaos.

Responding officers arrived at the scene at approximately 15:03 after receiving the initial distress call. However, the clown gang had already fled the premises, leaving no trace of their identities or direction of escape. The investigation is ongoing, and law enforcement agencies are actively pursuing leads to apprehend the perpetrators.

Witnesses reported feeling threatened and traumatized by the incident, emphasizing the need for increased security measures at the storage facility to prevent similar occurrences in the future.

Management remain onsite due to fears the gang may return.

Disclaimer: This is a live action horror maze attraction, all of the information above is fiction and for the purposes of entertainment, the event will feature live actors, smoke and haze effects, loud sounds, and flashing lights, special effects and theming. Our Actors may touch you in this attraction however you are not permitted to touch them. Advisory 14+. Please do not enter this attraction if you are pregnant or have any health conditions or concerns, organisers accept no responsibilty for any injury, loss of items or damage to persons or property. Alcohol, Drugs and Weapons are not permitted on the premises. Refunds will not be issued.